Or a character might task you with killing a boss mob that you already took care of ten paces back because you’ve been entering every single cave on the way. You might come across a bridge that needs repair using scrap you picked up because you’ve overturned every stone. This actually works out because while most missions in Grim Dawn are forward-thinking, there’s a good few you’ll finish just by doing everything as it presents itself. It almost feels like a torture challenge for completionists.

Shrines to cleanse, bosses to kill, bounties to bount, and just a bunch of experience and crap to collect. While the game is rather open, every area is essentially a series of winding corridors taking you to your destination with several things to do on the side. Thankfully Grim Dawn dials up the ass-beatings to eleven as you drive your way through thousands of creatures and bandits and mobs. What follows is a series of tasks being given to your character involving collecting things and killing things, as you assist the survivors of the land in taking it back. Humanity has been nearly wiped out by a cataclysmic force and your character just barely survived being hanged because you were found to be possessed by a demon.
#Dustwind xbox full
It uses the Titan Quest engine and takes place in a grim, dismal world full of plague and misery and death and sadness. Grim Dawn is an ARPG from Crate Entertainment, the folks who brought us Grim Dawn.